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o - We Are Still Friends - o

Hey, Emz here :) ♥.

About 3 days ago, a fan told me on Twitter "Why the press says that you're gealous on Miley?". I was like "What?!". Gosh, the press got crazy! I am not gealous on Miley! We are still good friends. We're just meeting rarely because we have both our own plans and projects, we're too busy to have fun :( And I never told to George Patterson, my montage-worker that Miley is a silly! I always thought that Miley is wonderful! She was always by my side, helping me all the time. The press it's just a stupid thing, wich is stealing over and over again. For me it's enough. [.] :( - I love Miley, she's a good friend and always will be.
Peace , Em'z ♥
I am sick of these rumours!
I am sick of these rumours!

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