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o - I Can Say It - o

Hey Guys ! <3 ♥ EmilyO there :] xd.

I just wanted to show off everything I think. Everything what's in my mind. To let my brain empty, opened to other things to think. (:

Guys, my adventure in Hollywood started so simple. Maybe too simple. I was just a little girl, of 13 years old, wich discovered DisneyChannel preselections and auditions for a simple serial, named Hannah Montana. I was looking for new chances to prove that I have talent, and I found the MontanaChance, how I was calling it, with Miley. I was just so excited because I was closer about my dream! - ♥ :) I was doing a simple plan, to be myself. When you step in a room, full of jurats and cameramen, you're feeling how your heart beats more and more. Every people is looking at you, hoping that will discover a new talent ♥. When all the lights are opened, all the emotions are dissapearin', and you're simple yourself. Maybe you know that nobody was so sure to call the serial Hannah Montana. They was thinking to give Miley, the role of Zoey Stewart. A simple girl, wich is trying to live her dreams. Anyways, getting back to our discourse, we have to talk more. My career got started before to appear in Hannah Montana. I started with simple canto schools, with piano lessons and more. I learned to sing by the guitar with some friends, wich was the best teachers! I always loved to play basketball or something, but isn't a hobby, I am playing it once on the year. So rarely, short sayin'. But when I stepped for the 1st time on the stay, I felt like I have to catch my breathe and to scream loud! I had to be the best, to prove the World that I can be who I am supossed to be. I knew that my destiny is written somewhere, but I had to discover where. I discovered that it shouldn't be written. You are writing and creating your destiny. Because this is what you have to do. :) ♥

Comments • 1

xoDemetriaLovato 9 July 2011  
So sweet.I'm always proud of you,my girl.-♥
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