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o - Funny Moment - o

Hey, Em'z here ♥.
I just wanted to share with you a funny moment. I was in my room, writing on Twitter. My mom came to me saying, do you wanna eat something? And I was talking on USTREAM with Noah and I said " Go to the Hell ! " ( was a joke ) and my mom thought that I am talking to her. And then she said that I have to stop if I wanna not to be punished. And I said " I don't think so " ( again talking to Noah ). And my mom was like " This girl got crazy " and got out of my room. LOL , maybe is funny, maybe not. But I was so amused. :) xo. Emmz ♥

Comments • 1

xoDemetriaLovato 9 July 2011  
LOL.I think you must give some explanation :]]
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