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o - My Nicknames - o

Hey Guys, Em'z Here ♥ :]
So, I was wondering myself why shouldn't I show you my nicknames? Maybe you will give me one, too. I'd be enchanted to see some new.
♥ Emmz - My best friend <3
♥ M ( Em ) - My mom <3
♥ Emmie - My daddy <3
♥ Emmerz - My cousin <3
♥ Ennie Mennie - Justin B <3
♥ EmmxLimousine - Miley <3
These are my nicknames :] So, it's your turn! - EmmxLimousine ♥ -

Comments • 1

xoDemetriaLovato 6 July 2011  
Emma'??:]]LOL IDK but this one is special to me :)
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